I woke up on Wednesday, to a text alerting me that Lufthansa had just gone on strike.  That means that my flight that day from Frankfurt on was cancelled.  I called United and got hold of someone who rebooked me through Istanbul on Turkish Airlines.  I got my stuff together and headed out to the airport.

Upon arrival, I was informed that my first leg, San Diego to D.C was delayed and I would not make my connection.  A half hour later I had tickets to L.A, to Istanbul and on to Male. Whew!

After a couple long layovers, 6 hours in LA and 10 in Istanbul, I arrived in Technicolor Maldives.  A short ride to my hotel and a 14 hour nap.  This is why I always schedule a recovery day.  My room is lovely and quiet and I didn’t leave it, even to eat, for 18 hours.

I will be meeting my boat tomorrow.  I don’t expect to have internet or cell coverage, intermittent at best, but all is good.