Started the day with a lovely snorkel in the cove. Not many fist but I saw a nice stingray. We pulled anchor and set off for the Indians – four rocks projecting out of the water. There is a nice reef around the whole thing we managed to beat the afternoon rush. The wind was blowing so the waves were high and the current fairly strong. It was a good, vigorous swim and some of the nicest coral that we have seen so far.
From here we headed to our anchorage in Pirate’s Bight, Norman Island. As we were settling in, we were passed by a big catamaran full of people my age, the women topless.
We went in to have a couple beers and enjoy the wifi at the bar on the beach. Afterward, we dinghy’ed on down to the only other bar in sight – Willy T’s. This is an old fishing boat, pretty big with a bar, a restaurant and an upper deck. All of the people from the topless catamaran were there. Apparently, since this is technically a boat, the local dress code does not apply and anything goes. Nicole made friends with everyone (as usual) and ended up with a Willy T’s tattoo on her butt. I think it will wash off in the next few days.