We left our pretty hotel this morning for Agra, home of the Taj Mahal.  This means we left Rajasthan for Uttar Pradesh.  Five hours later we  arrived at Fort Agra.  Pretty impressive in its own right a highly fortified place  with double walls and a palace done up nicely in the Mohgul style.

It couldn’t possibly have been much hotter.  Not sure exactly, but I’ll guess 105 and 70% humidity.  (they tell me that it could in fact be hotter)  We came back to hotel, changed out of our wet clothes and left for the Taj dreading standing in line and the lack of shade relief.

A brief downpour just as we were setting out seemed to solve everything, the cloud cover provided shade, the air was cooler, the humidity plummeted and hope was restored.  We couldn’t have had better luck.  The system cleared at the perfect time to treat us to a spectacular sunset.  More soon