We arrived in St. Croix 3:45 yesterday afternoon.  We disembarked and were immediately offered rum samples. I was unable to find a taxi willing to transport us to our address in Christiansted.  There was a high-priestess of taxis who held them hostage until we could furnish the  required building name; hotel name, restaurant name.  We had an address, a map and a guesthouse on what was clearly a major intersection in a one-horse town.  Nope.  I had to get our host on the phone to tell the taxi driver what her building was known as.  Indeed, it has a name, I still don’t know what it was.

After an overnight cross-country and a nap in the Miami airport, our guesthouse was a welcome retreat just a few blocks from the waterfront.  We walked around most of town, checked into the dive shop and brushed up on our dive course before dinner and an early bedtime.

Our call for dive instruction was 8am this morning.  The dive shop had recommended a breakfast diner called Toast.  We left our house early and marched down to the waterfront to dine and were informed by the waitress that they weren’t scheduled to open until 8am.  She suggested that Rumrunner might be open.  Rumrunner is a dockside restaurant, pub and general hangout right were we board our dive boat and a few doors down from the dive shop.

The morning was spent in a hotel pool testing our swimming skills and getting acquainted with our equipment. The afternoon was a boat ride to the reef and our first two dives!  I didn’t do too much sight-seeing on these dives, I was occupied running through all of our underwater exercises.  A tiring but satisfying day.