Yesterday we finished up our instruction in the pool and finished with two reef dives in the afternoon.  We performed the required tasks, took our final exams and are now PADI certified.

We celebrated at Rumrunner with our instructor and the boat crew.  This has become our hangout almost by default.  Right out in front is the boardwalk, dock and a large school of hungry, hungry tarpon which the restaurant feeds its scraps to.

Today. Rain!  We checked out of our room at 11:00am.  We hauled all of our bags down to the dock during a break in the rain.  When it started again, we ducked into a dockside eatery, Angry Nate’s to try to keep ourselves and our gear dry.  We ordered a fish tacos and calamari to share.

Nicole was facing the window and happened to see a woman on the boardwalk collapse and begin to convulse.  She ran outside to help.  I stayed to watch our stuff – we had our passports, credit cards and wallets on the table at the time in a full restaurant.  We stayed here for 3 hours while it rained pretty steadily.  

When it was time to meet the boat, we discovered that we were at the dock across the harbor from the dock that they were expecting to meet us at.  We grabbed our bags, and hustled up the street to find a taxi.  We were met by fellow crew members Sharon and Theresa who were on their way out to do laundry.  Sharon’s husband, Tim was waiting to with the dinghy to ferry us and our bags out to the boat on which we will spend the next three weeks.