I received your news early this morning.  My phone had buzzed in the night, but I had it on mute so as not to disturb my roommate’s sleep.  I thought this was a Chauncey, “Are you free for lunch today? call.

I stayed on in Lijiang today while the rest of my group went on to Tiger Leaping Gorge.  I will meet back up with them tomorrow night.

It was a sad teary day and I felt bad that I could not be there with you.  I got out to take a walk and felt a little better.  I also thought that I could send flowers.  Its not hard to find them here.  I walked around in rain for a couple hours shooting pictures of flowers and thinking about Brian and it made me feel a little better to do something.

My phone (camera) ran completely out of juice so I came back to my room to charge it just in time to catch a call from Nicole who was ready to talk.  Glad my dead battery brought me back just then.

I am sending my flowers with the hope that they might bring you a small amount of comfort while I am not there to do it myself.

Flowers for Brian ~ Click Here