Hopefully you got the satellite message that I arrived and found Doug and the boat.  Internet is hit and miss even here in town so I am not hopeful that I am going to be connected very often once we leave here.  Please don’t worry.  I have some pictures of this small harbor I will try to send you later.  Its very pretty.  Much more rain here than in Nadi so its very lush and green.  We are waiting here a couple extra days because of high winds which is fine by me – calmer sailing once we go.

I will also try to send a couple Sydney pictures and maybe post a short movie I took from Mama’s Tropic of Capricorn Resort.  So far only good experiences.  Doug is pleasant, patient and good company.  No bad vibes at all.  There is a small community of sailors in the harbor, most from NZ and OZ.  One from Canada.  The late afternoon is reserved for chess matches at the yacht club.  Its warm and muggy, but not too unpleasant.

If you sent me e-mail to my regular address, I have not been able to connect to it yet so I may lag on anything you’ve sent me.

If I can get a good connection later, I will check it and try to send the pictures.