The sun came out today.  After a couple days of steady drizzle, it was a welcome change.

Lijiang is literally 100 km south of Shangri La.  It says so on the highway signs!  The basis for Lost Horizons, I could see why as we crept through green, green mountain passes and through clouds to get here.  Even our guesthouse has a Shangri La vibe going on.

Our hotel (guesthouse) is right across the street from old town.  When they say, “old town,” they mean 1000 years, not a couple hundred.  This area is listed a UNESCO world heritage site and it is indeed lovely.

Three very small forks of a river flow through this section which is paved with stone, and surrounded by traditional buildings all turned into shops.  It is a tourist attraction for the Chinese and is jumping everyday after about 1:00pm.

The canals and the streets are lined with flowers and a local specialty are little flower pastries.  Also this are is famous for pu’er tea.  It is supposed to be the best in China, and the most expensive.  I had a cup of it this morning, but didn’t think it was anything to write home about, …. wait, what?  I guess I am.

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