First day in Lima was overcast and misty, perfect for walking around. I headed out toward the ocean or at least the cliffs above the ocean. Lima is at the northern end of the Atacomma Desert so it sees very little rain. It does however get an ocean effect that creates mist or drizzle right at the coast so the cliffs are blanketed in morning glories and other greenery. There are also lots of small parks.

At the park I met my new best friend Alexandra, a woman from Mexico City who spoke not one word of English. Between my high school Spanish and google translate, we were able to visit for 90 minutes over coffee. She has been here eight days and is looking for work. Her fiancé lives here.
In the afternoon we took a guided tour of the city. Colonial architecture here is a strange and pleasing blend of Spanish, moorish and French. It was Election Day here – I think for Mayor and the crowds were out at the park in front of the presidential palace in full force. Catacombs and a chocolate museum finished off the tour, because chocolate and catacombs always pair well.
I set off to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant I had spotted earlier in the day. The proprietor in a white uniform clicked his heels an saluted every decision I made: where to sit – click, salute, stir fried shrimp – cllick-salute, Peruvian beer – click-salute.
Trip Map
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