This morning we left our place in Yangshuo and took a shuttle to the airport in Guilin.  Every airport and train station I’ve seen so far is epic in size.  We took a flight on Southern China Air to Kunming which is just intended as a layover city before we transfer to Dali.

Its a really big city and we only had the afternoon and evening so the group got on the public bus and rode a few miles to Jade Lake Park.  A large park with a lot of lake.  Elephant ears as big as hubcaps covering huge amounts of the lake.  Lots and lots of lily pads as well.  Little long leg birds were trying to use them as stepping stones and would stand on one until it started to sink then step to the next.

A big event for the locals – every winter, seagulls come this far inland to winter at the lake.  People come from all over to see them.  I guess its special because they are so far from the ocean.

There was a public dance party.  An older man was leading.  He was surrounded by a circle of 40 – 120 people at any time.  It was kind of a mix of line dancing and tai chi and it went on for the whole time that we were there.  I waited for it to thin out a bit in order to get close.

To watch this video with the music –  CLICK HERE