We checked out of our lovely room early this morning so that we could beat the heat at the Buddha Park – a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ninety degrees and one hundred percent humidity – thank goodness we we arrived early. The park was lovely. There is a temple that surrounds earlier monuments built in the third and seventeenth centuries around the rock upon which Buddha was born. There are monasteries from many countries built in the park, the one built by US Buddhists is very impressive. The Nepalese asked the Japanese to plant trees so the walkways are breathtaking.

One of the many temples in the park.

Several colorful new friends.

This area is rural with mile after mile of flat rice fields and roads lined with papaya trees. The ponds are choked with lily pads.  I had no idea how pretty a green rice field is. We headed for the mountains.

With the mountains came the serious jungle and 6 hours later arrived at our safari resort hotel in Chitwan. No air conditioning here, but we do have a couple elephants 50 yards from our bungalow room.