That’s really, really where I’m going to
(road trip soundtrack by Bob Seger)

We left Pokhara this morning. It was mostly overcast but occasionally we would get an awesome glimpse of a towering snow capped Annapurna peak.

Our first stop in Kathmandu was the Monkey Temple or Swayambhunath Stupa. It sits on a mountaintop overlooking the city.  There is the stupa. a lot a prayer wheels, monks, other tourists, and yes monkeys, lots of monkeys.  One of them got frisky with Rebecca.

We checked in to our hotel in the middle of old Kathmandu with narrow streets, bazaars, temples and incense burning in every shop doorway. Brilliant colored fabrics, pottery, spices, and the temples are squeezed in everywhere.  Some have statues, most have prayer wheels and many of them have a red, ruffled fabric valance with gold trim on what you might call the eaves.  Leave a trail of breadcrumbs here, it’s easy to get disoriented.