Like I said . “Happy Birthday Julie.”  I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY.

We slept the morning away but got up in time to have tea with our kind host, check out of our inn and find our new friend Raj who helped us secure a tuk-tuk to transport ourselves and our bags to our new hotel where we are to meet up with our group.   Once done, we jumped back into our tuk-tuk and set off in search of the perfect Punjabi (traditional Indian outfit for Nicole.)  This process is interesting.  They sit you down like you are the only customer in the world and start spreading out samples all around you.  Three or four people all awaiting your pleasure of style and fabric.  One Punjabi later and a couple meters of silk, we were out the door on our way to lunch.  This time some turmeric grilled cauliflower and spicy lentils.

Having taught us a handful of useful Hindi phrases our new friends dropped us off at at the Hotel Perfect where we were introduced to our guide, our itinerary and our traveling companions.  A younger group slightly this time.  It looks like we’ll have a lot of fun.

A get to know each other dinner and a beer on the roof and I’m done for the day.  The heat really does a job on the energy level.