We arrived in Bucharest last night after dark.  We opted to take a bus to find our room.  We found our way from the airport to the main city terminal but it was not so straight-forward from there.  We ran into no one who spoke English and waited at the bus stop for our connection and figured out just in time that we were at the stop for the right bus but going in the wrong direction.

When we were in Oxford, Nicole spoke to someone of our plans to leave for Bucharest in the next few days.  He asked her why she would do that, “nothing there but gypsies and wild dogs,” then he spat.

This morning we ventured out for a walk of the city in drizzly conditions.  The greenery is pretty but the Soviet Architecture is large and severe. There are beautiful churches everywhere.  The Soviets didn’t tear them down but they would build an imposing concrete building right up next to them to obscure them from view.

And yes, stray dogs everywhere!