Our second day in Orchha was  pretty unscheduled.  A late breakfast/lunch of dahl and naan at the same little street cafe  we had dinner at last night after observing a religious ceremony at a Hindu temple.  This particular temple celebrates Lord Rama who if I remember properly is a reincarnation of Vishnu.  Lots  of bell ringing, step touching, then touching the third eye, chanting, gift giving and blessing receiving.  It was lovely to watch.

The weather today straight up 90 degrees and 74% humidity.  We all seem to be handling it a little  better.  Nicole has spent a lot of time in the pool, I on my computer trying to reach you and to document job requirements for Masen.

Orchha is a very religious place.   A town of 20,000,  it is vegitarian and alcohol free with only about three exceptions at the high end hotels.  Much of the marketplace is devoted to selling the sweets, flowers and spices that are used as offerings at the temples.

The highlight of the day was a late afternoon river rafting trip. Actually it was more of a float, but there were three or four good rapids – enough to get me soaked sitting in the front of boat.  We are leaving on the night train tonight so these clothes will go into a plastic bag to be dealt with tomorrow.