We left our happy Jost Van Dyke to sail to Little Jost Van Dyke to hike the trail to the bubbly pool.  This is part of a rock formation between two islands that creates a jacuzzi pool.  The waves roll in over some high rocks and then drop in to the pool where we sit and it creates a ton of bubbles.  To get here we had to hike a short while with the warning, “Don’t touch the poison trees.  The trail was dotted with manchineel trees that had warning signs. Every part of this tree is toxic Don’t eat the fruit, touch the leaves or bark, or even stand under it when it rains.

We sailed from here to our first stop in Tortola.  A tiny little town with a small market ( I bought a jalepeno and a case of Carib beer ) and a couple beachfront bars (notice the theme)  with an internet connetion.

Its really rolling tonight.  The swells are sideways to the boat which makes for a real uncomfortable night.