I wanted to take it easy today, still plenty of walking (about 6 miles) but a major break from the last couple days.  I took the train to the station nearest the Brooklyn Bridge and hoofed on over to it.  Up some stairs and you’re on a shared pedestrian-bicycle boardwalk that spans the 1.25 mile stretch.  It did not have a big rise like I expected so it was an easy walk over and back.

If you look closely, you can see Statue of Liberty in the background.

my other planned Brooklyn destination today was Coney Island.  I think it’s just before beach season here so I only saw a couple wetsuited people in the water and the almost empty boardwalk had mostly out-of-towners.

I had a Nathan’s hot dog because it seemed like a New York experience, but a highly overrated one I think.

On the train ride to Coney Island I had seen a cemetery that stretched as far as I could see on both sides of the track.  I watched for it on the way back and tried to get a shot but failed to capture a sense of its size.

I took these out opposite sides of the train.

I just got back from Mike’s Pizza, three blocks away. I had the mandatory hot dog earlier so I finished up with the mandatory “slice.”  In all honesty, both are better at Costco.

Im going to pack my bag and settle in with a movie and early lights-out so I can head out early for the airport.  See you tomorrow!